Things floating in eyes???

Nope, I don't have anything serious but am/was bothered with floating things in my eyes. I kept thinking that I had little bits of dog hair or something since some of them were thin and slender.

I went to my doctor and he said I had dry skin around my bottom eye lashes (he had a actual medical name for it, which, I can neither remember nor could spell if I did) and little flakes, etc. would get into my eyes.
For once I received an inexpensive solution.....just wash my eyes and lashes with baby shampoo....."No More Tears", "Mother's Choice" (sold at HyVee) or any one that advertises "no tears".
So, whenever I take a shower, I put a little Mother's Choice into the palm of my hand, add a goodly amount of warm water, make suds, and wash my eyes.......opening them and rubbing the suds into the upper and lower lashes. It doesn't burn. And, my eyes probably are grateful that makeup, mascara and dirt are finally being thoroughly washed away.
I can see the strange things floating across my eyeballs!
I can't guarantee that it would solve your problem, but it wouldn't hurt to try!
BTW, I don't use baby shampoo on my hair .....I use a natural product that does not contain the dreaded Sodium Lauryl Sulfate ...

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